"Armonimalia - Snail Girl"
Masao Kinoshita
Armonimalia - Snail Girl
Wood and stone powder clay. Partly metal and epoxy resin. Colored by acrylic paint.
H15.7 x W7.9 x D10.4
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Masao Kinoshita, a Japanese artist, grew up captivated by the muscular figures portrayed in American TV shows, a fascination that blended seamlessly with his love for manga robots. Following his education in Fine Art and Art History, Kinoshita embarked on a quest for the ideal medium to channel his boundless creativity, ultimately finding his calling in the art of sculpture, where he infused his unique vision.
Kinoshita’s technique involves sculpting initial models in clay, followed by casting in FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic) using plaster molds. The resulting sculptures are meticulously filed and shaped, then vividly brought to life with oil paints and pencils. His works range from reinterpretations of Hindu deities and ancient Japanese figures to whimsical children's toys and manga-inspired characters, some depicted in the nude or with anatomical detailing reminiscent of medical écorchés. These anthropomorphic figures are positioned in both solemn and dynamic poses, exuding an unexpected blend of sexual energy and playful charm. Engaging with Kinoshita's sculptures is akin to stepping into a fantastical realm, a newly conceived universe where mythology, humor, and imagination converge, offering endless possibilities for interpretation and wonder.
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